
UDK: 666.974.001.4:624.044
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 63 (2011) 12
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Degradation of mechanical properties of high-strength concrete after exposure to fire

Neno Torić, Ivica Boko, Bernardin Peroš


The results obtained by experimental determination of residual mechanical properties of high-strength concrete after fire exposure are presented. The following properties are analyzed: compressive strength and tensile strength, and the tangent and secant moduli of elasticity. The testing is conducted by heating concrete samples to a high target temperature. In addition to mechanical properties of concrete, other properties registered after sample cooling are also presented. The results are compared with corresponding properties given in EN1992-1-2 and EN1994-1-2.

tangent modulus of elasticity, secant modulus of elasticity, high-strength concrete, fire, compressive strength, tensile strength


Torić, N., Boko, I., Peroš, B.: Degradation of mechanical properties of high-strength concrete after exposure to fire, GRAĐEVINAR, 63 (2011) 12


Torić, N., Boko, I., Peroš, B. (2011). Degradation of mechanical properties of high-strength concrete after exposure to fire, GRAĐEVINAR, 63 (12)
Neno Toric WEB
Neno Torić
University of Split,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Boko Ivica
Ivica Boko
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Peros Bernadin
Bernardin Peroš
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy